manifesting generator human design

the manifesting generator

You’re here to be an expander, an amplifyer, a pathfinder, an explorer, a trailblazer. Your purpose in life is to build, to give, to create from a response. You’re here to respond to what life presents to you. Here to deeply know yourself, impact the world with your energetic essence, and do life in a way that leaves them in awe of what you can do. This is you. The vibe. The experience. The power.

Want to learn more?

your purpose, MG

Your purpose in your business as a manifesting generator. This activation was originally recorded for a round of "abz" and now you're getting access to it here.

blocked: satisfaction

Learn why manifesting generators often block themselves from satisfaction. This is the pre-work to my signature program "selfish," a 7-day challenge to experience more of your signature theme in your life.

✓ Includes 3 audio training
✓ blocked: satisfaction
✓ breakthrough: satisfaction
get out of your head
One time
For 2 weeks

Recordings from live event "Get out of your head and into your body." In these combined 124 minutes, you'll experience powerful activation of your MG presence, and both contain mindblowing awareness meditations. Enjoy!