you’re done learning about hd, it’s time to be about it. it’s time to learn how to

be an embodied MG.

the all-access pass

the all-access pass

It doesn’t matter how much you learn about Human Design. Learning won’t make you embodied.

Experimenting will.

The ManiGens you see, the ones you wonder “how does she do it?” or “I wish I trusted myself like that..” They did ONE thing.

Learned how to embody their design, they learned how to BE A MANIGEN. Through how they do their day-to day.

It’s not science, it’s willingness to EXPERIMENT and my favorite, PLAY…

To learn HOW to leverage your design, and how to evolve it. To use it. To activate it. To be it.

it doesn’t matter how many yes’es you get…

Unless you follow them.

the manigen living a life they can’t stop smiling about…

Started playing with what they learned…they got out of their head and into their body.

They stopped waiting for certainty and started to connect to the only place certainty exists for a ManiGen…

in their body…

her power is in her presence

It’s the subtle “I know who I am”

The solid “no” without explanation

The liberating “eeeek!” when she’s excited

The wild wave of anger

The crumbling sandcastle of sadness

Her trembling desire for MORE

Her needs, fully expressed in her responses

She allows you to experience her, fully…

In all that she is

No apologies

No justifications

No explanations

Her BEINGNESS leaves you in awe

She knows who she is

She is herself fully…

She’s an embodied MG.

the all-access

A library of some of the most impactful experiences that created The Embodied MG.

The Embodied MG: all access
Every week
Every month

When you fully embody your MG magic

You will attract into your space, people, opportunities, a life..

You never even dared dream of.

As a member of the all-access pass you get.

Access to a library of experiences that were created during the journey of creating the embodied MG.

including these..


Feel like you’re outgrowing your current reality? In this experience you learn to use your aura to expand the impact of your presence, so you’ll get new things to respond to.

the method

A collection of trainings I have done about experiencing and aligning with your highest potential, satisfaction and peace in all areas of life.

sacral whispers

Connect deeper with your sacral and learn how the sacral is ALWAYS communicating with you.

And so much more….

-meditations, activation riffs, embodiment evolution experiences, and special offers…

The question is, do you want to learn how to BE an embodied MG?

If YES …

The Embodied MG: all access
Every week
Every month


can i cancel ?

Yes, anytime. We do reserve the right to change the price of the studio, so if you cancel you lose your special rate.

What’s included in my membership?

This is a membership to a self-led portal. Through it you get access to one monthly training, pre-recorded embodiment experiences related to aura, magnetism, money, satisfaction, peace ++ You also get access to selected meditations that can assist you on your journey. The content in the portal changes month-to-month.

Is this for someone beginning their experiment?

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on the journey, if you’re “pulled in” to my work, my frequency, and my delivery…you’re ready.

What if I want more support?

Message me on IG or email to book a call.

I’m a member of abdnce: the abundance portal do I get access to this?

No, these are two different places.. The ABDNCE activation riffs / portal is for ManiGen Entrepreneurs especially.

what is embodied energetics?

You’re already embodying your energetics. Your actions are expressions of how you think and feel. In this portal you’re invited into awareness of how you think, feel, act…so you can make a choice to align and embody the highest frequency of your design.