divine assignment

ManiGen, do you understand the assignment?

When you doubt.

When you “logic” with your mind.

When you follow “abc” over “abz.”

You’ve missed the assignment.

Here’s what I see for us (and why I do what I do)

You are..

Placed here to expand. Placed here for evolution. Placed here FOR the experiment to EXPERIMENT without rhyme, reason, or known.

Placed here to uncage and unbox “how it’s done” and “how much time it should take.”

Placed here for magic, thriving in the unknown, and divine surrender to our life-force.

Our divine assignment is BIG.

Which is why there IS A FKN JOURNEY to become embodied. Which is why we have a unique experience of the law of polarity. Which is why we have to get out of our head and into our body.

Placed here with immediate KNOWING of the path, with the ultimate question being…

Will you walk with only the first step?

Will you walk into the unknown?

Will you expand them by expanding your dream?

Will you move without explaining?

Will you walk?

ManiGen, do you understand your assignment?

It’s time we understand our assignment ManiGens…and I will not shut up about it..because it’s big.

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divine assignment
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