EXPANDED: the auric expansion meditation
Get immediate access to expanded: the meditation, a meditation where you’re exploring your own energy aka auric presence, call back fragments, smoot out frozen and dense energy, you then amplify it, and learn to hold it as you come out of the meditation.
This meditation is a must for all sacrals on their HD journey.
Get immediate access to expanded: the meditation, a meditation where you’re exploring your own energy aka auric presence, call back fragments, smoot out frozen and dense energy, you then amplify it, and learn to hold it as you come out of the meditation.
This meditation is a must for all sacrals on their HD journey.
Get immediate access to expanded: the meditation, a meditation where you’re exploring your own energy aka auric presence, call back fragments, smoot out frozen and dense energy, you then amplify it, and learn to hold it as you come out of the meditation.
This meditation is a must for all sacrals on their HD journey.